Investigate - Undirected Sniffing
Overview and Meaning
Undirected sniffing is a general investigatory behavior, that is not directed to a specific object in the environment. It serves to locate or detect olfactory stimuli, to investigate the local microenvironment, or to investigate the macroenvironment (outside of the cage).
Investigation (sniffing only) with the nose held in the air, and away from any identifiable stimulus.
Exploration, Variant of Investigate
Undirected sniffing may occur in four different postures:
- Upright. The mouse rears up on its hind legs.
- Oblique. The mouse has its forebody off the floor and it is sitting up, resting on its haunches.
- Sideways. The mouse has all four paws on the cage floor.
- Investigate - Stretched Attend